It’s a Miracle I Survived The Baby Boom
Unlike most women my age, I’m insane enough…not afraid to admit my real age. In public. To strangers. Why? Because, unlike most women my age, I look better at 54 than I looked at 34. Why? I gained...
View ArticleThe Big B
Let’s finally discover what Lorna was fussing is about in her last post. First, I want to set your mind at ease, or at least get you off the va-va-va-moose-caboose, before we got too far. The “Big B”...
View ArticleWhat do FOX News, Killer Maxi-Pads, Jackie Chan, Microwaves and FEMA all have...
That’s a real head-scratcher, huh? But there’s a connection. There has to be. I’m not ding-dippy-donged enough to make this up on my own. To find the link, go to one of my favorite fact-checking web...
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